Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Park Improvement Meeting, Tues 10/17, 7:00, SHBC

Please join us for a Park Improvement Meeting on Tuesday, October 17 at 7:00 pm at Southern Hills Baptist Church's Fireside Room.

We'll see a presentation of improvements that have been proposed for Heller Park and have the chance to finalize details and give more input.

A Tulsa City Planner will be on hand to help us finalize the details of the proposal. We have also invited the Project Manager of the Parks Department to attend and answer questions. (His attendance is not yet confirmed.)

We hope you can be there to contribute your ideas and opinions as we finalize the proposal. Additionally, we need your help to publicize this meeting to neighbors who are not on our email list. Please pass the word on your block. A good turnout is important to show the City that we have a large number of neighbors who are interested in improving our park.

This meeting will also be in conjunction with the board meeting of the South Peoria Neighborhood Connection Foundation. You'll be able to meet the board members and learn more about this organization.

Finally, we would also like to extend a thank you to all the neighbors who contributed park ideas and suggestions at our September neighborhood meeting and at our recent Park Committee meeting.