Our Organization and Volunteers

Heller Park Neighbors is a neighborhood organization for homeowners, renters, businesses and organizations near Tulsa’s Heller Park. Our organization is registered with the Mayor’s Office for Neighborhoods, and our boundaries are between 51st and 61st Streets, from Peoria to Lewis Avenue. Please send an email to info@hellerpark.org if you'd like to be added to our email list. You'll receive notices about upcoming meetings as well as other important announcements about our neighborhood.

Board Members

President – Sylvia Spilman

Vice-President – John Lee
Secretary – Tracy Jones
Treasurer – Julie Reinke
Webmaster – Wendi Ward

Quadrant 1 Captain – Jamie Belger

Quadrant 2 Captain – Lynne Leapline

Quadrant 3 Captain – Alice Costas

Quadrant 4 Captain – John Kidd

Additional Board Member – Lanny Endicott of the South Peoria Neighborhood Connection and Cathy Hill of McClure Elementary.

If you are interested becoming a board memeber, please contact our President.

Quadrant Captains

Quadrant Captains help organize and publicize neighborhood meetings. They may also arrange quadrant meetings to address additional issues. Quadrant Captains help to recruit Block Captains in their quadrant. They can also recruit neighbors for the Citizen Alert Patrol if they wish.
Our square mile is divided into four quadrants as shown below. The quadrants are delineated by the east-west streets of 51st, 56th and 61st and the north-south streets of Peoria, Utica and Lewis.

The four quadrants contain several additions and subdivisions. The list below is not exhaustive but shows some of the subdivisions within each quadrant.

Quadrant 1 Subdivisions: Lecrone's Lazy L, JE Nichols, Inglewood
Quadrant 2 Subdivisions: Rondo Valley, Perry's, Park Lane, Coleman Greenstreet
Quadrant 3 Subdivisions: Corona Heights, Southern Gardens, Riverview Acres, Southlawn
Quadrant 4 Subdivisions: Corona Heights 2nd, Southern Village, Cherokee Meadows

Block Captains

We need Block Captains for each block in our neighborhood! Please consider volunteering for this role. The main responsibility of a Block Captain is to distribute information about upcoming meetings to the neighbors on your block. You may also coordinate Neighborhood Watch activities, help arrange block parties or coordinate traffic calming efforts. If you would like to be a leader on your block, send an email toinfo@hellerpark.org or contact the Quadrant Captain for your area.

South Peoria Neighborhood Connection Foundation

Heller Park Neighbors works closely with the South Peoria Neighborhood Connection Foundation (SPNCF). SPNCF is a non-profit organization which operates the South Peoria Neighborhood House and whose mission is to promote economic development, safety, health and education, beautification and a sense of community in Riverwood. Riverwood is defined as the area within the City of Tulsa bounded on the north by Interstate 44, on the west by the Arkansas River, on the south by 71st Street and on the east by Lewis Avenue. You can contact SPNCF's President, Lanny Endicott, at lendicott@oru.edu or 918-830-1523.