Saturday, September 16, 2006

Meeting Minutes, September 2006

Heller Park Neighbors Meeting
Thursday, September 14, 2006 7:00-8:00 pm
Southern Hills Baptist Church, Fireside Room

Attendance: 68 neighbors
Guests: Cpt. Rick Helberg and Cpl. Shellie Wood from UDSW police department and Jan MaGee from District 9 city councilor's office

Items Discussed:
1. Thanks went to Dr. Lanny Endicott, ORU students and Denice Brice who helped distribute flyers to inform the neighborhood of this meeting.

2. Welcome was extended to guests from Uniform Division Southwest police station and district 9 city councilor's office.

3. Email address and phone list: neighbors were encouraged to provide an email address or phone number on the sign-in sheet. This list will be kept confidential and will be used to inform neighbors of important neighborhood issues and events. Any neighbor who did not attend the meeting and would like to be included on the list can send an email to

4. Website: neighbors were encouraged to visit the Heller Park Neighbors website ( and to encourage their neighbors to check the website for current information.

5. Area volunteers: a call was made for "area volunteers" who can coordinate committees which focus on specific issues like the alert neighbors program, street improvements, I-44 expansion, block parties and park events, park improvements, etc. They can also help in disseminating information to the neighborhood. If interested, send an email to

6. People Fest: neighbors were informed of the People Fest event to be held at Johnson Park at 61st and Riverside on Saturday, October 7 from 10:00am-2:00pm. There will be food, fun and games. Business owners were encouraged to set up tables at the event to publicize their products or services. If interested in setting up a table, send an email to

7. Cpt. Helberg and Cpl. Wood fielded questions from the audience. Topics included:

-speeding on 53rd street by drivers going west from Utica to Peoria. Cpl. Helberg said that the neighborhood could request a speed study and speed bumps from Traffic Engineering.

-crime in our area. Cpl. Wood heads the newly reinstated Street Crime Unit in our area and a crime program called Operation Bullet Trap. She indicated that shootings in the area have decreased in recent months, but there are still problems with drugs and prostitution along Peoria. Cpt. Helberg said that some apartment complexes that had heavy crime had been condemned by the city and replaced with single family housing, and that the area seems to be taking a turn for the better. He indicated that the most pressing danger is home break-ins. Criminals use a walkin' and knockin' technique where they knock on a door and if no one answers, they kick in the door. If someone knocks on your door and you don't want to open the door, be sure to let them know you are home but that you don't want to answer the door.

-loitering in the park. Neighbors who see people loitering in the park after curfew can call the police non-emergency number (596-9222). It is important that ongoing nuisances like these be reported regularly so that these areas are added to the night patrolmen and helicopter routes.

-trash at 61st and Peoria. For code enforcement issues like this, Cpt. Helberg encouraged us to call the Mayor's Action Hotline (596-2100).

8. Heller Park Improvements: neighbors were informed that the City has a representative who is helping the neighborhood prepare a park improvement proposal. It is important the desires of the whole neighborhood be represented in the proposal. Ideas were taken for maintenance, landscaping and capital improvement issues. Neighbors provided the following input.

-canal dredging
-more trees, bushes and general landscaping
-sidewalk from 53rd to the park
-lighting around the walking trail and to discourage loitering
-litter management: recycle bins, more trash cans, doggie-doo stations with signs and bags, more frequent trash pick-up
-better drainage around playground equipment and in pecan grove
-up-to-date playground equipment
-splash pad
-puppy park
-fish pond
-benches around walking trail
-improved parking lot, added parking and parking barriers so that people cannot illegally park on the grass

9. 61st street improvements: Dr. Endicott showed an exhibit of improvements proposed for 61st street between Riverside and Peoria. The street will be widened and storm drainage will be added. There will also be sidewalks, a landscaped median, new signage at Marshall elementary and possibly pedestrian lighting. Funding for the project came from the 3rd penny sales tax extension. The city will begin relocating utilities and acquiring rights-of-way over the next three years. Construction is due to begin in 2009. This project is important for improving drainage problems along south Peoria, a problem which has stalled development in the area.

10. Next meeting: a straw poll indicated that many neighbors were interested in having Ken Hill of Public Works and an ODOT representative come talk to the neighborhood about street improvements, city projects and I-44 expansion. The next meeting has not been officially scheduled but is tentatively planned for the 2nd Thursday in January.