General meeting was held 4/22/14. I apologize for not giving an update
sooner, but the board called a follow-up meeting, which we on Wed, April 30th & I wanted to include what was discussed at that time.
The principals of both McClure, and Marshall spoke about some initiatives they are working on to hire new teachers who are committed to staying at these schools for longer periods. The ultimate goal for both principals is that their students succeed.
The Heller Park Neighbors board President; Sylvia Spilman introduced a project we have been working on, which is to add additional playground equipment to the park that is designed for 2 – 5 year olds. The City replaced the playground equipment that was in the park, but what they put in is for children 5 yrs and older. A flyer was handed out with a picture of the equipment that has been approved by the city for us to have installed if we raise the funds to make the purchase. There is a goal of $32,000 for the equipment cost alone, with an additional $36,000 for installation. We have been given a $12,000 matching grant by an anonymous donor where they will donate $1 for every $2 donated, UP TO $12,000. We have also been given a flat donation of $12,000. We have been in touch with Kathy Keating, who will be donating an amount between $5,000 - $8,000.
We need participation from the community to reach the ultimate goal and want everyone to remember that this donation is tax deductible. A flyer was handed out to everyone at the meeting with a pledge slip along the bottom. That flyer will be scanned and posted in a separate post here on the Facebook page. The address and payment information will be on that document. An important thing to remember, is that a good clean park that draws families and children, increases property values for the properties in that neighborhood. This is a first step we want to see happen as an overall improvement to our park and our neighborhood.
[Back to the General Meeting]
An invitation was presented to help plant Crepe Myrtles by the chain link fence on Saturday, April 26. [That project is completed with 8 new Crepe Myrtle bushes planted on the Southwest corner of the park].
Lanny Endicott presented information regarding the South Peoria Neighborhood Connection. Specifically, he discussed the improvements on 61st St, a proposal to buy the Planned Parenthood Building on Peoria, and he introduced Geri Inman, the Director of the South Tulsa Community House, who would like to see that 58th & Peoria becomes the community service hub for the area.
Nikhil Kawlra, from Building Excellent Schools, spoke about a possible charter school, with hopes to purchase the old Evangelistic Temple School building to the new charter school.
Nathan Harvill from Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Program, discussed that he is in the process of applying for a $100,000 grant for the area from 56th & Utica to Riverside & 65th St,
Ken Meinhart from Southern Hills View neighborhood, and Rich Novak from Riverwood neighborhood each spoke about their neighborhoods and projects they are working on.
The Heller park Neighbors board is in the process of setting up a meeting to be held on May 13th at Southern Hills Baptist church for everyone who would like to volunteer for the Playground equipment fundraising efforts. More information to come.
The principals of both McClure, and Marshall spoke about some initiatives they are working on to hire new teachers who are committed to staying at these schools for longer periods. The ultimate goal for both principals is that their students succeed.
The Heller Park Neighbors board President; Sylvia Spilman introduced a project we have been working on, which is to add additional playground equipment to the park that is designed for 2 – 5 year olds. The City replaced the playground equipment that was in the park, but what they put in is for children 5 yrs and older. A flyer was handed out with a picture of the equipment that has been approved by the city for us to have installed if we raise the funds to make the purchase. There is a goal of $32,000 for the equipment cost alone, with an additional $36,000 for installation. We have been given a $12,000 matching grant by an anonymous donor where they will donate $1 for every $2 donated, UP TO $12,000. We have also been given a flat donation of $12,000. We have been in touch with Kathy Keating, who will be donating an amount between $5,000 - $8,000.
We need participation from the community to reach the ultimate goal and want everyone to remember that this donation is tax deductible. A flyer was handed out to everyone at the meeting with a pledge slip along the bottom. That flyer will be scanned and posted in a separate post here on the Facebook page. The address and payment information will be on that document. An important thing to remember, is that a good clean park that draws families and children, increases property values for the properties in that neighborhood. This is a first step we want to see happen as an overall improvement to our park and our neighborhood.
[Back to the General Meeting]
An invitation was presented to help plant Crepe Myrtles by the chain link fence on Saturday, April 26. [That project is completed with 8 new Crepe Myrtle bushes planted on the Southwest corner of the park].
Lanny Endicott presented information regarding the South Peoria Neighborhood Connection. Specifically, he discussed the improvements on 61st St, a proposal to buy the Planned Parenthood Building on Peoria, and he introduced Geri Inman, the Director of the South Tulsa Community House, who would like to see that 58th & Peoria becomes the community service hub for the area.
Nikhil Kawlra, from Building Excellent Schools, spoke about a possible charter school, with hopes to purchase the old Evangelistic Temple School building to the new charter school.
Nathan Harvill from Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Program, discussed that he is in the process of applying for a $100,000 grant for the area from 56th & Utica to Riverside & 65th St,
Ken Meinhart from Southern Hills View neighborhood, and Rich Novak from Riverwood neighborhood each spoke about their neighborhoods and projects they are working on.
The Heller park Neighbors board is in the process of setting up a meeting to be held on May 13th at Southern Hills Baptist church for everyone who would like to volunteer for the Playground equipment fundraising efforts. More information to come.