A Heller Park Neighbors board meeting convened on May 12, 2011 at approximately 7:30 p.m in offices located at 1719 E. 71st Street Tulsa, OK.
The agenda was election of officers, discussion of Heller park neighborhood goals and improvements, as well as discussion of recent events occurring in Heller Park.
Tulsa Police officer Captain Hughes was the guest speaker who answered questions from the board concerning crime in the neighborhood, and specifically increasing patrols of the park. Captain Hughes assured the board that patrols would increase.
Attendees to the meeting were: Sylvia Spilman, John Kidd, Lanny Endicott, Julie Reinke, Jamie Belger, Lynne Leapline, Alice Costas, John Lee, Cathy Hill, Cappy Robinson, Wendi Ward, Tracy Jones and Police Officer Captain Hughes.
Motions were carried for newly elected officers; John Kidd as Vice President and Tracy Jones as Secretary. Returning officers are: Sylvia Spilman as President and Julie Reinke as Treasurer. The following individuals remain as Quadrant Captains: Jamie Belger Quadrant I, Lynne Leapline Quadrant II, Alice Costas Quadrant III, and John Lee Quadrant IV.
The members at large are: Lanny Endicott representing South Peoria Neighborhood Connection Foundation, Cathy Hill, Volunteer Coordinator for McClure Elementary School, Wendi Ward as webmaster and Cappy Robinson as Block Captain for Quadrant III.
Goals to improve communication and connection with the community were discussed.
There will be a continued effort to communicate and involve via emails and one on one interactions, introduced by Mr. Endicott and President Spilman.
Discussion was held regarding the use of Facebook as a means of more exposure to the neighborhood.
Initiated and developed by Treasurer Reinke, a "park happening" is tentatively set for June 9, 2011. The goal of the meeting is to inform and unite our neighbors to become involved in the Alert Neighbors program spearheaded by Vice President John Kidd, who will also initiate Alert Neighbors training sessions.
Captain Hughes will continue to promote efforts to increase patrols in our area and introduce preventative measures to protect and promote safety of the neighborhood.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Submitted by Tracy Jones, Secretary