Getting Alert Neighbors started on your block is easy.
Step One: Simply decide when you'd like to have a block meeting and where (usually the first meeting is held at the block captain's house).
Step Two: Call the Crime Commission/Citizen Corps of Tulsa to schedule a speaker to come to your meeting. Their phone number is 585-5209. Tell them that you are starting an Alert Neighbors program on your block and need a speaker to come to the first meeting. This is a free service that is offered through the City.
Step Three: Publicize the meeting on your block.
Step Four: Enjoy the meeting! On the evening of the meeting, the speaker will bring brochures and stickers to pass out and he or she will give a presentation and answer questions.
Step Five: Follow Up:
1. Signs for Your Block...At the back of the brochure is an order form so that you and your neighbors can order an "Alert Neighbors" street sign to be put on your block.
2. Phone List...It is important that you create a phone list with home, work and cell phone numbers of your neighbors. Each neighbor should get a copy so that they can quickly contact each other in case they see anything suspicious on the block.
3. Future Meetings...Don't forget to schedule the next meeting. Some neighbors have said that they will be meeting every other month. Others might choose to meet more often or less frequently. It's up to you and your neighbors.
What is the Alert Neighbors program anyway? Here is a summary from the Citizen Corps website ( You can give this information to your neighbors in advance of the meeting to let them know what it is generally about.
"Alert Neighbors enlists citizen participation in crime prevention through neighborhood meetings where safety in the home and neighborhood are emphasized."
"In each neighborhood, we work to:
-Increase crime reporting.
-Improve cooperation with law enforcement.
-Address community concerns.
-Educate the public on current crime trends, scams, frauds, and methods of prevention and resolution.
-Reduce neighborhood crime and the opportunity for crime to occur when neighbors work together."
"A cohesive neighborhood deters crime. A fragmented neighborhood is an easier target for crime. The Alert Neighbors program teaches residents how to secure their homes, how to be safer in their homes and on the street, and what to look for and how to report that which is suspicious. The Alert Neighbors program promotes improved communication among neighbors about problems and solutions and fosters improved relations between law enforcement and the community."
"Citizens should be taught to be the eyes and ears of law enforcement in order to create safer communities. Alert Neighbors teaches people how to do just that. These programs address crime prevention issues such as home and personal safety, auto theft, gang awareness, home security and neighborhood watch. All programs are presented at no cost to the audience."
If you do get the program started on your block, let us know how it goes. And if any of your neighbors want to be added to the Heller Park Neighbors mailing list, feel free to pass on their information to me.