Heller Park Neighbors will be joining Keep Kids Alive Drive 25 campaign. If you are interested in coordinating the campaign for your street, please send an email to info@hellerpark.org. We will make sure all the people coordinating the campaign have each other's contact information so they can work together.
Here is the information about the Keep Kids Alive Drive 25 campaign from the City of Tulsa website.
The City of Tulsa has joined more than 200 communities accross the U.S. to implement the educational campaign – Keep Kids Alive Drive 25®. This program involves neighbor's cooperation to remind drivers that residential speed limits are set at 25 mph. The program includes yard signs and trash can stickers that residents can use to display as a reminder that speed makes a difference and how important it is to keep our streets safe by not speeding. The city is working with schools, neighborhood associations, block groups and individuals to implement this program.
Five easy steps to mobilize a Keep Kids Alive Drive 25® campaign on your street:
1. Canvas your neighborhood to talk with residents about the campaign and invite personal commitment.
2. Call the Citizen's Crime Commission at 585-5209 or visit the Drive 25® website at keepkidsalive.com to order yard signs, trash can stickers, window clings or bumper stickers for your area.
3. Call the Mayor's Action Center at 596-2100 to register your campaign area. Staff is available to provide technical assistance.
4. Post Keep Kids Alive Drive 25® yard signs and/or decals throughout neighborhoods as a reminder for drivers to check their speed and slow down.
5. Evaluate the results. You may need to work further with police on enforcement issues or with traffic engineers to pursue different types of calming if the problem continues.