It's time to elect our city councilor for district 9. Please mark these dates in your calendar:
March 7 is the Republican primary election.
April 4 is the general election.
The candidates all have websites. I encourage you to read their websites to help inform your choice.
Cason Carter www.casoncarter.com
Phil Kates www.philkates.com
Jeff Stava www.jeffstava.com
You might be interested to read a portion of Phil Kates' website. He answers the question, "What would be your top three priorities, if elected? His number two priority is to "address the issues at 61st & Peoria." For more go to the www.philkates.com website and click the link that says "Tulsa World Questions".
As you can see from the map above, our district includes some very affluent neighborhoods and business districts including Utica Square, Maple Ridge, Florence Park, Brookside, and Ranch Acres to name a few. This makes it all the more important that the residents and businesses around Heller Park become a unified voice so that the city councilor we elect will focus on issues that are important to our community.